North American LNG Exports to Boom by 2027
Across North America, the opening of new liquefied natural gas export facilities will more than double the continent’s capacity by 2027, according to the Energy Information Administration.
By the numbers: Today, the U.S., Mexico and Canada produce 11.4 billion cubic feet per day, but by 2027, that figure is projected to rise to 24.3 Bcf/d—thanks to a massive increase in U.S. capacity, as well as the opening of Mexico and Canada’s first terminals.
- “By the end of 2027, we estimate LNG export capacity will grow by 1.1 Bcf/d in Mexico, 2.1 Bcf/d in Canada and 9.7 Bcf/d in the United States from a total of 10 new projects across the three countries,” EIA analysts predict.
Mexico: In Mexico, three LNG export projects are under construction—Fast LNG Altamira and Fast LNG Lakach (both on Mexico’s east coast), along with Energia Costa Azul on its west coast.
Canada: Meanwhile, Canada is expecting two LNG export facilities to come online during this time period—LNG Canada and Woodfibre LNG, both of which will be supplied with natural gas from western Canada.
- Looking even further ahead, “[T]he Canada Energy Regulator … has authorized an additional 18 LNG export projects with a combined capacity of 29 Bcf/d.”
U.S.: Lastly, the U.S., which will see the biggest expansion in capacity, has five LNG export facilities under construction and expected to begin service by 2027. These are Golden Pass, Plaquemines, Corpus Christi Stage III, Rio Grande and Port Arthur.