Member Services
Gain access to trusted advisers and exclusive services that help manufacturers stay competitive, prepare for tomorrow and improve their bottom line.
We fight for a policy agenda that secures the continued success of our industry, and we arm our members with the tools they need to shape critical debates so policymakers hear the unified voice of manufacturing and support America’s manufacturing workers.

Workforce Solutions
The NAM helps our members attract, train and retain talent while inspiring the next generation of manufacturers. Funded by non-dues contributions, the Manufacturing Institute – the NAM’s workforce and education partner – drives this charge through a variety of programs designed to excite, educate and empower with a particular focus in four key areas: women, veterans, youth and lifelong learning. The Manufacturing Institute also serves as the leading authority on data and research for the industry through its Center for Manufacturing Research, which closely examines issues of importance to manufacturers to increase understanding and spotlight solutions.
Legal Expertise
Success doesn’t just depend on the market; it also depends on the law. From standing up against wasteful lawsuits, to navigating complex regulations, the Manufacturers’ Center for Legal Action advances important policies and protects the rights of manufacturers.

Operational Excellence
Our dynamic and exclusive programming and tools help manufacturers, including plant managers, operations leads, compliance officers, finance officers and HR professionals learn best practices and trends, navigate rules and regulations, streamline operations and create business opportunities to improve their bottom line.
The NAM’s network of manufacturing organizations—including the Allied Associations Group, the State Associations Group and the Council of Manufacturing Associations—amplify manufacturers’ voices, link associations to NAM industry and policy experts, mobilize local communities and move federal policy from the ground up to strengthen manufacturers nationwide.

NAM sponsors power exclusive NAM programming and events. They offer our members groundbreaking content and innovative manufacturing business solutions, helping them develop new opportunities in a disruptive environment, stay current on the latest technologies and gain valuable insights on emerging trends. Sponsorships support our members, strengthen our industry and further the goals of manufacturers across the country.
For more information on sponsorships with the NAM, fill out this sponsorship inquiry form and the NAM team will follow up with you.