
Manufacturers asked, and Congress delivered with the passage of tax reform. As a result, manufacturers have been paying forward the benefits. With a commitment to federal policies that build on those advances rather than roll them back, the industry will continue leading our workers, communities and country toward prosperity.

% of manufacturers for whom higher tax burdens would be a barrier to hiring and growth
Number of jobs at risk by the loss of interest deductibility provisions
Number of jobs at risk if Congress doesn't act to restore R&D provisions

Manufacturers' Priorities

  1. 1
    Protect the gains from tax reform by making permanent key provisions in the tax code, such as low rates on pass-through and corporate income, as well as the 20% pass- through deduction.
  2. 2
    Create new tax incentives and enhance the competitiveness of the tax code to encourage new industrial investment in the United States.
  3. 3
    Fix provisions of the tax law that make research more expensive.
  4. 4
    Ensure that key incentives for capital equipment purchases remain in the tax code.
  5. 5
    Preserve business interest deductibility.

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