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Vance: Manufacturing Will See Renaissance Under Trump

Manufacturing in the U.S. will experience a renaissance under President Trump, Vice President JD Vance said Friday in an NAM-attended speech at Vantage Plastics in Bay City, Michigan.

What’s going on: Vice President Vance—whose talk was part of the Small Business Administration’s recently announced multistate Made in America Manufacturing Initiative and Made in America Roadshow—told the crowd of employees at the plastics processing facility that America’s achievements are contingent on the achievements of its manufacturers.

  • “I really do believe that America’s success depends on the success of companies like Vantage Plastics,” he said. “And I don’t mean that in some abstract, poetic-sounding sense; I mean it literally. If we do not protect our nation’s manufacturers, we lose a fundamental part of who we are as a people. Making things, building things, working with our hands is America’s heritage, and that heritage is alive and well in this facility.”
  • Vantage Plastics President Paul Aultman agreed. “Imagine how much stronger this country would be if every manufacturer—large and small, in cities and towns across America—had the tools to build, expand and succeed,” Aultman said. “Manufacturing is the backbone of America, and on shop floors like ours, we’re not just making products—we’re making the future.”

Relief from the onslaught: The Trump administration intends to protect manufacturers and in doing so, touch off a gilded age for the industry—by unburdening it of the many regulations that have been heaped upon it, said Vice President Vance.

  • “The Trump administration is working hard to slash regulations left and right. … We’ve got to make it easier to build stuff in our own country. We can’t have people telling our great builders that if they want to start a factory or if they want to expand a factory, they’re not allowed to,” he said, echoing longtime NAM advocacy, backed by manufacturer surveys and data. “And that is the biggest thing, I think, the Trump administration is working on when it comes to renewing American manufacturing.”
  • SBA Administrator Kelly Loeffler, who spoke prior to Vice President Vance at the event, sounded a similar note, saying, “The golden era of manufacturing in America is not behind us; it’s in front of us” (Detroit Free Press).

Energy unleashed: Vice President Vance discussed the administration’s NAM-supported move last week to review dozens of burdensome Environmental Protection Agency regulations.

  • “These include the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program, which cost U.S. factories and power plants hundreds of millions of dollars,” the vice president continued. “And that money is now going to be reinvested in American workers. And we remember the Clean Power Plan 2.0, which has imperiled America’s grid by creating impossible restrictions on coal and natural gas plants that account for 60% of our power. You can’t tell people to build in America while at the same time destroying American energy.”

A new path forward: Under President Trump, American manufacturing will have room to thrive, the vice president went on.

  • “We are done overregulating American businesses. We are going to be guided by a simple principle: Build in this country. We cut your taxes, we reduce your regulation and we reduce your energy costs. Build in this country. Make American manufacturing great again. And we are going to fight for you—and the president will, too.”
  • “Our goal is to make it easier and more affordable to make things again in the United States of America,” he said. “If you invest in American jobs and workers and businesses, you will be rewarded. We will cut your taxes, we will slash regulations and reduce the cost of industry in this country we all love.”

The last word: “President Trump and Vice President Vance understand what manufacturing means to America—not just in economic terms, but also in human terms,” NAM President and CEO Jay Timmons said.

  • “But we can only reach our full potential with the type of leadership that will make the 2017 tax reforms that were rocket fuel for the manufacturing industry permanent, rebalance the regulatory framework, expedite permitting reform to unleash American energy, grow the manufacturing workforce and implement sensible trade policies. That’s how we make America strong, prosperous and proud. That’s how we will Make America Great for Manufacturing Again.”
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