Find a COVID-19 Vaccine Site Near You
Use to find a location near you, then call or visit their website to make an appointment. Alternatively, you can text your ZIP code to 438829 or call 1-800-232-0233.
This Is Our Shot
Getting a COVID-19 vaccine or booster is easy, safe and free–and getting manufacturers—and more Americans—to receive their shots are important steps toward ending the risks of COVID-19 and keeping our economy moving. To accomplish this essential mission, the National Association of Manufacturers and The Manufacturing Institute—the workforce development and education partner of the NAM—are providing the resources below to ensure that manufacturers, their teams and their communities know that COVID-19 vaccines and boosters are safe, effective and available.
#ThisIsOurShot. We can get through this pandemic, but only if we roll up our sleeves and get armed against COVID-19.
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Why Are Manufacturers Getting COVID‑19 Vaccines?
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Research & Tools for Manufacturers
The Manufacturing Institute, in collaboration with the University of Florida Center for Public Interest Communications, developed resources for manufacturers to share the importance of COVID-19 vaccination with workers, families and communities.
Vaccine Resources for Manufacturers
Learn the Benefits of Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine
A CDC one-stop resource on the benefits of being vaccinated against COVID-19, featuring insights from the nation’s most recognized public health authority.
Understand more about COVID-19 vaccines
The Ad Council and the COVIDCollaborative, which the NAM is a part of, provide a step-by-step guide to answering your questions about COVID-19 vaccines.
Access the latest information on Vaccine Boosters
Use this tool to determine when or if you (or your child) can get one or more COVID-19 boosters.
Join the conversation about COVID-19 Vaccination
Black and Latinx health care workers answer questions about COVID-19 vaccines.
See Questions and Answers about COVID-19 Vaccines
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and one of the world’s top vaccine experts, Paul A. Offit, MD, provide answers to some of the most common questions people are asking about COVID-19 disease and vaccines.
Vaccine Facts
Easy-to-access FAQs from the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) about vaccines, designed to encourage vaccine acceptance in diverse communities.
Protecting the People Who Make America
A guide for building vaccine trust and stewarding COVID-19 vaccination among front line manufacturing workers.
A Conversation Guide to help build confidence in the Vaccine Against COVID-19
As a part of the This Is Our Shot Project, The Manufacturing Institute’s Center for Manufacturing Research and the University of Florida Center for Public Interest Communications have partnered on research to give manufacturers the tools to communicate effectively about COVID-19 and safeguard workforces nationwide.
Five Imperatives for Manufacturers About Vaccination Communications
Combatting COVID-19 Hesitancy
Research recommendations from the Institute for Public Relations for vaccine-related messaging, with an emphasis on understanding vaccine hesitancy.
CDC Strategies for Building Public Confidence in Vaccines
Information on the CDC’s efforts to build trust, empower health care personnel and engage communities for vaccine acceptance.
On-Site Vaccination Clinic Toolkit
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has created a toolkit to support businesses in partnering with local vaccine providers to make vaccinations more convenient and accessible.
This Is Our Shot Project Posters and Social Media Graphics
Posters and digital graphics featuring research-based messaging to help encourage manufacturing workers to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
Yellow and Red Ribbon Initiative Posters and Social Media Graphics
These tools will help us share the Yellow and Red Ribbon Initiative with our team members, family and community.
Access the CDC’s COVID-19 Vaccine Fact Sheet
Plain-language fact sheets available in several languages: English, Spanish, Arabic, Korean, Russian, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.
“Why Get Vaccinated?” Poster
A helpful infographic from the CDC, providing useful information for your teams on the benefits of vaccination.
Social Media Toolkit
This social media toolkit helps manufacturers get the message out about the importance of COVID-19 vaccination.
This Is Our Shot Project Webinars
Employer Communications: Do’s and Don’ts
Ann Christiano, Director for the Center for Public Interest Communications at the University of Florida and an expert in COVID-19 vaccination communications, along with her research colleague, Jack Barry, Ph.D., joined the NAM and The Manufacturing Institute on March 31, 2021, to share insights to guide employer communications about COVID-19 vaccination.
Fill out the form to access a free recording of the webinar. You will be immediately taken to the download upon completion of the form. All fields are required.
This is Our Shot Webinar Download - Employers
Ventilation and Transmission Discussion with CDC/NIOSH
On March 5, 2021, the NAM convened a webinar with NIOSH Manufacturing Program Co-Coordinator andCDC Essential Workers Vaccine Task Force member Jennifer Topmiller for an in-depth look at how COVID-19 spreads and what ventilation strategies can be used to reduce the risk of virus spread at manufacturing facilities.
Fill out the form to access a free recording of the webinar. You will be immediately taken to the download upon completion of the form. All fields are required.
This is Our Shot Webinar Download - Ventilation
Health Action Alliance – Tools and Resources for the Business Community
The Health Action Alliance has developed comprehensive resources to help companies develop vaccine policy and employee engagement plans. Resources include sample communications, conversation guides, a social media toolkit and lots more.
CDC COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Toolkit for Essential Workers
The CDC has a prepared a toolkit to help employers educate essential workers, who are eligible for vaccination in some states and soon nationwide, about COVID-19 vaccines. The resources include example email, newsletter and social media copy as well as flyers and graphics.
Guidance on COVID-19 Vaccination Policies
Insights from Littler, a leading law firm, on legal concerns related to workplace vaccination policies and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission guidance on the subject.
COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Standard Webinar
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration provided this webinar to explain the federal vaccine and testing requirement for businesses.
Emergency Temporary Standard FAQs
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration released these FAQs on the federal vaccine and testing requirement for business Emergency Temporary Standard.
The above links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by the NAM of the information presented on the site. The NAM bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links.

Tell Your Story
Millions of manufacturers across the United State are getting their COVID-19 vaccines. We’re making it easy to share your story with others.
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Step up to support financially manufacturers and the nation’s fight against COVID-19—to help us safeguard the people who make our economy and get our country through this pandemic.
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