Press Releases

Press Releases

Manufacturers on Incoming COVID-19 Coordinator

Timmons: “Jeff Zients is exactly the right choice to help lead the next administration’s COVID-19 response.”

Washington, D.C. – Following President-elect Joe Biden’s announcement of Jeff Zients to lead the Biden administration’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, National Association of Manufacturers President and CEO Jay Timmons released this statement:

“Jeff Zients is exactly the right choice to help lead the next administration’s COVID-19 response. The NAM always enjoyed a strong and productive relationship with Jeff in his previous role, and he is the right person for this job. He is well suited for addressing both the economic and public health challenges we face. Manufacturers can always count on him to be responsive and candid, and you can’t overstate how valuable it is to have that open channel of communication—especially now that his new role will involve helping to lead America out of this ongoing crisis.

“Manufacturers are encouraged that alongside Jeff will be experienced medical experts to effectively communicate and implement the policies needed to move our country forward. Throughout the pandemic, manufacturers have stepped up to provide leadership for our country—from encouraging smart health practices to producing personal protective equipment and developing vaccines. We are committed to continuing that leadership until we defeat COVID-19, and we are ready to work closely with Jeff, and the rest of the incoming administration, to achieve a strong economic recovery and American renewal.”


The National Association of Manufacturers is the largest manufacturing association in the United States, representing small and large manufacturers in every industrial sector and in all 50 states. Manufacturing employs more than 12.2 million men and women, contributes $2.35 trillion to the U.S. economy annually and has the largest economic multiplier of any major sector and accounts for 62% of private-sector research and development. The NAM is the powerful voice of the manufacturing community and the leading advocate for a policy agenda that helps manufacturers compete in the global economy and create jobs across the United States. For more information about the NAM or to follow us on Twitter and Facebook, please visit

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Press Releases

H-1B Ruling Win for Hundreds of Thousands of Workers

NAM’s Kelly: “We need high-skilled innovators now more than ever”

Washington, D.C. – National Association of Manufacturers Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary Linda Kelly released the following statement on the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California’s order to strike down the Trump administration’s recent changes to the H-1B visa program:

“This ruling is a win for the hundreds of thousands of American-based workers who are essential to the recovery and renewal of our industry and our economy. We need high-skilled innovators now more than ever, and the administration’s attempt to rush these rules forward without properly considering their impact on thousands of people on the front lines of developing vaccines and treatments and making critical supplies, as well as saving lives in our hospitals, could have devastating consequences at a critical moment in our history. We’re pleased that the court’s decision recognizes the critical role the H-1B program plays in our manufacturing economy.”


The National Association of Manufacturers is the largest manufacturing association in the United States, representing small and large manufacturers in every industrial sector and in all 50 states. Manufacturing employs more than 12.2 million men and women, contributes $2.35 trillion to the U.S. economy annually and has the largest economic multiplier of any major sector and accounts for 62% of private-sector research and development. The NAM is the powerful voice of the manufacturing community and the leading advocate for a policy agenda that helps manufacturers compete in the global economy and create jobs across the United States. For more information about the NAM or to follow us on Twitter and Facebook, please visit

Press Releases

Manufacturers: Yellen Is a Champion of the American Worker

Timmons: “Janet Yellen possesses extraordinary expertise and sterling credentials to serve as U.S. Treasury Secretary”

Washington, D.C. – Following President-elect Joe Biden’s announcement of former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen to be his nominee for Secretary of the Treasury, National Association of Manufacturers President and CEO Jay Timmons released this statement:

“Janet Yellen possesses extraordinary expertise and sterling credentials to serve as U.S. Treasury Secretary. Her nomination is, of course, historic as she will be the first woman to serve as Secretary. NAM leadership met twice with Chair Yellen during her time leading the Federal Reserve. We were struck by, and appreciative of, how focused she was on American workers and the success of the manufacturing sector. Our conversations with her were refreshingly never one-way as she listened intently to the perspectives of America’s frontline job creators and asked probative questions on how Federal Reserve policies impacted our ability to invest, hire and strengthen our communities. We look forward to a similar productive relationship in working with the future Secretary as we continue to seek clarity on additional stimulus and economic needs for the sector’s recovery.”


The National Association of Manufacturers is the largest manufacturing association in the United States, representing small and large manufacturers in every industrial sector and in all 50 states. Manufacturing employs more than 12.2 million men and women, contributes $2.35 trillion to the U.S. economy annually and has the largest economic multiplier of any major sector and accounts for 62% of private-sector research and development. The NAM is the powerful voice of the manufacturing community and the leading advocate for a policy agenda that helps manufacturers compete in the global economy and create jobs across the United States. For more information about the NAM or to follow us on Twitter and Facebook, please visit

Press Releases

Manufacturers: First Cabinet Nominations Signal Steady and Experienced Leadership

Timmons: “Our nation is strongest when engaged globally and acting as a beacon for democracy and freedom”

Washington, D.C. – Following President-elect Joe Biden’s announcement of key Cabinet nominees and members of his national security and foreign policy team, National Association of Manufacturers President and CEO Jay Timmons released the following statement:

“President-elect Biden has chosen a group of steady and capable hands to lead American diplomacy. Tony Blinken’s considerable experience and his strong commitment to America’s highest ideals will make him a welcome presence on the world stage. He understands that our nation is strongest when engaged globally and acting as a beacon for democracy and freedom.

“In a critical moment for U.S. immigration policy, Alejandro Mayorkas’s history-making nomination is a welcome announcement, and we look forward to working with the Department of Homeland Security under his leadership. We are firmly committed to comprehensive immigration reform, as outlined in our ‘A Way Forward’ plan, which offers solutions to protect Dreamers, maintain critical visa programs and smartly secure our borders.”

Manufacturers also congratulate additional individuals chosen to serve in a Biden–Harris administration:

  • Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence
  • Linda Thomas-Greenfield, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
  • Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor
  • John Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate

Timmons added, “Every day, manufacturers are working to rebuild our economy and bring about American renewal. We look forward to strengthening our working relationship with these departments as we overcome the COVID-19 pandemic, improve national security, promote American values around the world and strengthen our economic recovery here at home.”


The National Association of Manufacturers is the largest manufacturing association in the United States, representing small and large manufacturers in every industrial sector and in all 50 states. Manufacturing employs more than 12.2 million men and women, contributes $2.35 trillion to the U.S. economy annually and has the largest economic multiplier of any major sector and accounts for 62% of private-sector research and development. The NAM is the powerful voice of the manufacturing community and the leading advocate for a policy agenda that helps manufacturers compete in the global economy and create jobs across the United States. For more information about the NAM or to follow us on Twitter and Facebook, please visit

Press Releases

Manufacturers Disagree with HHS Socialistic Price-Setting Plan

Timmons: “What this dangerous precedent will do is stifle the development of treatments and vaccines to combat future pandemics”

Washington, D.C. – Following the Trump Administration’s announcement on implementing a Most Favored Nation approach to pricing of Medicare Part B drugs, National Association of Manufacturers President and CEO Jay Timmons released the following statement:

“Manufacturers in America are driving global pharmaceutical innovation. Recent COVID-19 vaccine and therapy developments underscore the value of that leadership. As the coronavirus tightens its grip on the country, we should not be looking at failed price-setting schemes as a solution. While producing the essential supplies needed to fight the virus, manufacturers are also working to provide affordable medicines and therapies to the public. We believe strongly in lowering health care costs, but the socialist policies outlined today will not aid in the effort.

“What this dangerous precedent will do is stifle the development of treatments and vaccines to combat future pandemics, Alzheimer’s or cancer while also limiting access to critical products for those most in need. Competition and free market principles are the foundation of a strong economy, and now is not the time to abandon those values.”

Currently, the NAM is running an ad on the dangers of price indexing. To view the ad, click here.


The National Association of Manufacturers is the largest manufacturing association in the United States, representing small and large manufacturers in every industrial sector and in all 50 states. Manufacturing employs more than 12.2 million men and women, contributes $2.37 trillion to the U.S. economy annually and has the largest economic multiplier of any major sector and accounts for 63% of private-sector research and development. The NAM is the powerful voice of the manufacturing community and the leading advocate for a policy agenda that helps manufacturers compete in the global economy and create jobs across the United States. For more information about the NAM or to follow us on Twitter and Facebook, please visit

Press Releases

Manufacturers Call on GSA to Sign Letter of Ascertainment

Washington, D.C. – The leadership of the National Association of Manufacturers—NAM President and CEO Jay Timmons, Trane Technologies Chairman and CEO and NAM Board Chair Mike Lamach, Dow Chairman and CEO and NAM Board Vice Chair Jim Fitterling, BTE Technologies President and NAM Small and Medium Manufacturers Chair Chuck Wetherington and Protolabs President and CEO and NAM SMM Vice Chair Vicki Holt—released a joint statement on ascertainment.

“The next two months are critical to our nation’s ability to successfully deal with twin crises: controlling the spread of COVID-19 and rebuilding the U.S. economy. Manufacturers have been on the front lines throughout this pandemic—producing protective equipment, stabilizing the food supply, encouraging safe practices and developing vaccines and treatments. Now our attention turns to the distribution of safe and effective vaccines as quickly as possible, while continuing to protect against disruptions of the supply chain.

“While we understand and respect the court challenges that are a part of our democratic process, it’s imperative that our nation has a President and advisors who are fully prepared to lead our nation on Inauguration Day given the magnitude of the challenges ahead and the threats to our economic and national security, and most importantly, to the public health. It is highly appropriate that the Trump administration allow key individuals from the Biden team to access critical government personnel and information now.

“To ensure manufacturers can continue to work seamlessly with the federal government—no matter who is President on January 20—we call on the administrator of the General Services Administration to sign the letter of ascertainment immediately so that this consistent process in American democracy can begin and the exchange of critical information can commence.

“Further, we call on the Trump administration to work cooperatively with President-elect Biden and his team.

“There is no time to waste nor room for error. Manufacturers have been leading throughout these crises, and we know what is at stake: American lives and livelihoods.”


The National Association of Manufacturers is the largest manufacturing association in the United States, representing small and large manufacturers in every industrial sector and in all 50 states. Manufacturing employs more than 12.2 million men and women, contributes $2.35 trillion to the U.S. economy annually and has the largest economic multiplier of any major sector and accounts for 63% of private-sector research and development. The NAM is the powerful voice of the manufacturing community and the leading advocate for a policy agenda that helps manufacturers compete in the global economy and create jobs across the United States. For more information about the NAM or to follow us on Twitter and Facebook, please visit

Press Releases

NAM Appreciates Biden Message and Leadership on Masks

Washington, D.C. – National Association of Manufacturers President and CEO Jay Timmons released this statement following President-elect Joe Biden’s encouragement for all Americans to wear face coverings.

“Americans and the American economy benefit from a consistent message on how to control the pandemic in order to bring our economy back and save jobs and lives. President-elect Joe Biden’s message today, which is based on fact and science, is the type of leadership by example that will help us achieve that.

“President-elect Biden is doing exactly what he promised: following the science to defeat COVID-19. We are very encouraged that he has also named a task force to help us defeat this invisible enemy. It is significant that only 48 hours after achieving the electoral votes necessary to be elected, the incoming president focused like a laser on this national crisis in his first address to our nation.

“Since the early days of the pandemic, manufacturers have been calling on our fellow Americans to wear face coverings in public, socially distance and follow other smart health practices, and early in the crisis provided innovative solutions and quickly retrofitted our essential operations to meet the challenge.

“As President-elect Biden said today, while we keep working toward a vaccine, ‘the single most effective thing we can do’ is wear a mask. He’s exactly right, and we hope all Americans will join manufacturers in this simple but lifesaving act.

“Manufacturers and the business community look forward to continuing to work with the Biden–Harris transition team and administration to ensure that our nation successfully restores our public health and recovers economically.”

Background: The NAM’s Creators Respond Commitment encourages our industry to commit to healthy behaviors like the use of face coverings, social distancing, handwashing and other health practices. Join the commitment here:


The National Association of Manufacturers is the largest manufacturing association in the United States, representing small and large manufacturers in every industrial sector and in all 50 states. Manufacturing employs more than 12.2 million men and women, contributes $2.37 trillion to the U.S. economy annually and has the largest economic multiplier of any major sector and accounts for 63% of private-sector research and development. The NAM is the powerful voice of the manufacturing community and the leading advocate for a policy agenda that helps manufacturers compete in the global economy and create jobs across the United States. For more information about the NAM or to follow us on Twitter and Facebook, please visit

Press Releases

Manufacturers Congratulate President-elect Biden, Vice President-elect Harris

Timmons: “The American people have spoken, and they have chosen a leader who throughout this campaign spoke of healing and bipartisanship”

Washington, D.C. – National Association of Manufacturers President and CEO Jay Timmons released the following statement on the results of the 2020 election.

“Manufacturers congratulate President-elect Joe Biden on being declared the winner of the presidential election. The American people have spoken, and they have chosen a leader who throughout this campaign spoke of healing and bipartisanship. We also congratulate Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. Her election will resound through history, and we are hopeful that it will send a message that helps us achieve the more inclusive country that manufacturers work to build every day.

“Manufacturers trust the democratic process, and the vote counts are clear enough that the networks have confidently projected a winner. Poll workers tirelessly counted ballots through a pandemic to handle record turnout and make sure the process worked. Recounts are also part of our system, and we trust that they will be carried out fairly and carefully where required or requested. As part of the democratic process, we want to make sure this election is accurate and there are no valid questions about its legitimacy.

“When Joe Biden becomes the 46th President of the United States, he will take office in the face of crises of historic proportions and deep divisions. Throughout this difficult year, manufacturers have consistently risen to the occasion to help keep our fellow Americans safe, healthy and fed. We pledge to continue our leadership, especially as we race toward a vaccine, and we will work with a Biden–Harris administration, along with the new Congress, to achieve economic recovery and American renewal. Manufacturers are committed to being part of the solution.

“Our focus at the National Association of Manufacturers has always been on policy—not politics, personality or process. And so we look forward to working with anyone and everyone who shares the objectives of our policy goals—and advocating constructively with those who may not. It should be clear from the gains made by the Republican Party in this election that the American people are not interested in extreme policies from either party; they are looking for smart, stable and solutions-oriented governance. The right approach, one that can unify our country, is an agenda like that advanced by manufacturers—a competitive tax and regulatory system, infrastructure investment, comprehensive immigration reform, expanded trade and a strengthened workforce.

“This election has tested our nation. Election Day is behind us, and an uncertain future awaits. The choice facing each American is how we move forward. For our part, manufacturers choose to move forward in a way that will advance the values that make America exceptional: free enterprise, competitiveness, individual liberty and equal opportunity. We invite all of our leaders and fellow Americans to join us.”


The National Association of Manufacturers is the largest manufacturing association in the United States, representing small and large manufacturers in every industrial sector and in all 50 states. Manufacturing employs more than 12.2 million men and women, contributes $2.37 trillion to the U.S. economy annually and has the largest economic multiplier of any major sector and accounts for 63% of private-sector research and development. The NAM is the powerful voice of the manufacturing community and the leading advocate for a policy agenda that helps manufacturers compete in the global economy and create jobs across the United States. For more information about the NAM or to follow us on Twitter and Facebook, please visit

Press Releases

Manufacturers Trust the Democratic Process

Timmons: “Manufacturers have faith in our institutions”

Washington, D.C. – National Association of Manufacturers President and CEO Jay Timmons released the following statement on the state of the 2020 election.

Americans are hard at work counting the ballots and tallying the votes. That is our democratic process, and it has served us well throughout our history. Manufacturers have faith in our institutions, and all valid ballots must be counted.


The National Association of Manufacturers is the largest manufacturing association in the United States, representing small and large manufacturers in every industrial sector and in all 50 states. Manufacturing employs more than 12.2 million men and women, contributes $2.37 trillion to the U.S. economy annually and has the largest economic multiplier of any major sector and accounts for 63% of private-sector research and development. The NAM is the powerful voice of the manufacturing community and the leading advocate for a policy agenda that helps manufacturers compete in the global economy and create jobs across the United States. For more information about the NAM or to follow us on Twitter and Facebook, please visit

Press Releases

Broad-Based Coalition of Business Leaders’ Statement on the 2020 Election

Washington – Today, a broad coalition of business leaders issued the following statement:

“The strength of our nation’s democracy depends on the integrity and fairness of our elections. We urge Americans to exercise their right to vote.

“This election, tens of millions of Americans are expected to vote by mail, and it may be days or even weeks until the outcome is settled. Even under normal circumstances, it can take time to finalize results. We urge all Americans to support the process set out in our federal and state laws and to remain confident in our country’s long tradition of peaceful and fair elections.

“Regardless of the election outcome, we look forward to working with the Administration and the new Congress to ensure a strong and safe economic recovery while working to build long-term prosperity for all Americans.”

The statement was issued by the American Property Casualty Insurance Association, Business Roundtable, ITI, the National Association of Manufacturers, the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors, the National Retail Federation, the Retail Industry Leaders Association and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.


American Property Casualty Insurance Association: Jessica Hanson Hanna, 202-828-7137
Business Roundtable: Jennifer Cummings, (202) 496-3249
Information Technology Industry Council (ITI): Ryan Thornton, (724) 316-8930
National Association of Manufacturers: Jamie Hennigan, (202) 316-6160
National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors: Jade West, (202) 452-6109
National Retail Federation: Mary McGinty, (202) 763-8157
Retail Industry Leaders Association: Melissa Murdock, (202) 381-0627
U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Tim Doyle, (202) 463-5771

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