Press Releases

Press Releases

Manufacturers: Rolling Back Tax Reform Will Stifle Economy

“The primary goal here should be building an opportunity society, in which all Americans can pursue their dreams.”

Washington, D.C. – Following the announcement of the budget resolution introduced today, National Association of Manufacturers President and CEO Jay Timmons issued this statement.

“Budget resolutions are a statement of principles from the majority party and the beginning of a lengthy process. And while leaders may seek to achieve many laudable goals through this process, manufacturers have serious concerns that some of the proposals—chiefly, the possibility of rolling back job-creating tax reforms to meet the tax increase revenue projections—would be devastating for America’s manufacturing workers.

“The primary goal here should be building an opportunity society, in which all Americans can pursue their dreams. It needs to create good jobs and maintain a strong social safety net. That means upholding the values that have long made America exceptional—free enterprise, competitiveness, individual liberty and equal opportunity.

“Returning to the archaic tax policies of the past, however, does not foster an opportunity society. It will stifle job creation in America. It would restrain America’s job creators from continuing to lead our economic recovery—including the manufacturers who have worked tirelessly to support our country through the pandemic. As many as 1 million American jobs would be lost in just the first two years if these kinds of tax policies were adopted, depriving Americans of rewarding career opportunities. The goal of our nation’s leaders should be to make the tax code more competitive, not less. Manufacturers kept their promises after the 2017 tax reform law. 2018 was the best year for manufacturing job creation in more than two decades. Wages soared, and manufacturers invested in their people and communities. Why would anyone want to undo that progress?

“Manufacturers are also concerned by indications there will be efforts and proposals that would restrict the ability of lifesaving pharmaceutical manufacturers to drive innovation in the United States. And we would also oppose attempts that have been mentioned to impose the anti-worker PRO Act because such actions would harm the productive relationship that so many manufacturing workers and employers have cultivated. They would rob many of their right to work, deny them the ability to communicate freely, invade their privacy and even force them to pay union dues.

“This is not how we build an economy that works for everyone. This is how we short-circuit an economic recovery and give other countries a competitive edge. The bipartisan infrastructure bill would be a giant step forward for our country, but a successful effort to roll back tax reforms would be a bigger step backward.

“Many Americans feel left behind today. Some feel left behind amid the pandemic-induced economic turmoil, others because they sensed the system didn’t work for them even before the pandemic. Lawmakers must continue working to lift up all Americans and build a true opportunity society. In the judgment of manufacturers in America, this resolution and the stated intentions of those who are drafting it do not achieve that worthy objective.”

Background on the manufacturing sector under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act:

  • Between the enactment of tax reform and the start of COVID-19, the manufacturing industry saw jobs, wages and investments surge.
    • In 2018, manufacturers added 263,000 new jobs. That was the best year for job creation in manufacturing in 21 years.
    • In 2018, manufacturing wages increased 3% and continued going up by 2.8% in 2019 and by 3% in 2020. Those were the fastest rates of annual growth since 2003.
    • Manufacturing capital spending grew by 4.5% and 5.7% in 2018 and 2019, respectively.
    • Overall, manufacturing production grew 2.7% in 2018, with December 2018 being the best month for manufacturing output since May 2008.

Earlier this year, the NAM released a major tax study on the effects of proposed tax increases. That study found that 1 million jobs would be lost in just the first two years if those increases were to be implemented.


The National Association of Manufacturers is the largest manufacturing association in the United States, representing small and large manufacturers in every industrial sector and in all 50 states. Manufacturing employs more than 12.3 million men and women, contributes $2.35 trillion to the U.S. economy annually and has the largest economic multiplier of any major sector and accounts for 63% of private-sector research and development. The NAM is the powerful voice of the manufacturing community and the leading advocate for a policy agenda that helps manufacturers compete in the global economy and create jobs across the United States. For more information about the NAM or to follow us on Twitter and Facebook, please visit

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Press Releases

Timmons on the Passing of Labor Leader Richard Trumka

Washington, D.C. – National Association of Manufacturers President and CEO Jay Timmons released the following statement on the passing of AFL-CIO President Richard L. Trumka.

“America has lost a tremendous leader with the sudden passing of Richard Trumka. I was privileged to call him a friend and colleague, working with him closely on issues ranging from infrastructure and workforce development to protecting civil rights and advancing equality. Like so many others, I learned a great deal from him along the way and admired his unshakeable authenticity and decency.

“He was a patriot and a statesman who demonstrated unwavering strength of purpose and never forgot who he represented. We may have sparred at times on policy priorities, but one thing was always clear: whether we aligned on an issue or took differing views, he was fighting with conviction on behalf of American workers and for a stronger America.

“Perhaps most of all, I appreciated his belief that management and workers have far more that unites them than divides them. He shared a commitment to the preservation and expansion of democracy here and around the world. He understood that our economy’s success and workers’ future depend on faith in our institutions. His powerful words in response to the January 6 insurrection are stamped in history and exemplified his resolve to stand strong against forces that would undermine our constitutional democracy.

“We extend our deepest condolences to his wife Barb, his family and to his AFL-CIO colleagues. His vision, voice and leadership will be greatly missed, but America is truly blessed to have had his countless contributions.”


The National Association of Manufacturers is the largest manufacturing association in the United States, representing small and large manufacturers in every industrial sector and in all 50 states. Manufacturing employs more than 12.3 million men and women, contributes $2.35 trillion to the U.S. economy annually and has the largest economic multiplier of any major sector and accounts for 63% of private-sector research and development. The NAM is the powerful voice of the manufacturing community and the leading advocate for a policy agenda that helps manufacturers compete in the global economy and create jobs across the United States. For more information about the NAM or to follow us on Twitter and Facebook, please visit

Press Releases

Manufacturers Support All Efforts to Get Americans Vaccinated

Timmons: “The lifesaving COVID-19 vaccines were made for us, by people like us—manufacturers in the United States.”

Washington, D.C. – Today, following President Joe Biden’s decision to require vaccinations of all federal employees, National Association of Manufacturers President and CEO Jay Timmons released the following statement:

“The lifesaving COVID-19 vaccines were made for us, by people like us—manufacturers in the United States. They are proven, safe and the only way we can save lives, end the pandemic and sustain our economic recovery. Since vaccines became available, manufacturers have been leading by example, helping their employees access vaccines and confidently get vaccinated, and we support all efforts to get more Americans vaccinated so we can beat back COVID-19 and the aggressive delta variant and save lives.

“Through our This Is Our Shot project, the NAM and The Manufacturing Institute have equipped manufacturers with resources to help their teams get vaccinated and protect their communities—ranging from videos, graphics and vaccine locators to FAQs and in-depth communications guides. On our own team, the NAM achieved a voluntary vaccination rate of 98%, and to ensure our staff and those with whom we interact are as safe as possible, we then made the decision to require vaccinations by mid-September.

“Manufacturers will continue to lead by example and work with the administration to promote vaccination and with our employees and communities to provide them the information they need. The recent surge in cases is a reminder that this pandemic is not over, but with these vaccines, it is within our power to dramatically change the trajectory of this virus.”


The National Association of Manufacturers is the largest manufacturing association in the United States, representing small and large manufacturers in every industrial sector and in all 50 states. Manufacturing employs more than 12.3 million men and women, contributes $2.35 trillion to the U.S. economy annually and has the largest economic multiplier of any major sector and accounts for 63% of private-sector research and development. The NAM is the powerful voice of the manufacturing community and the leading advocate for a policy agenda that helps manufacturers compete in the global economy and create jobs across the United States. For more information about the NAM or to follow us on Twitter and Facebook, please visit 

Press Releases

Infrastructure Legislation is History in the Making

Washington, D.C. – Today, following the Senate’s vote to invoke cloture on the bipartisan infrastructure legislation, National Association of Manufacturers President and CEO Jay Timmons released the following statement:

“This is history in the making, and manufacturers celebrate the leadership of the bipartisan group of senators who, along with President Biden and his administration, got us to this moment. We will continue to work with leaders in both parties to get a final bill passed by Congress and on to President Biden’s desk.

“For many years and across multiple administrations and Congresses, the NAM has led the charge for bold, historic infrastructure investment. We’re not done yet, but we’re closer than ever. This bill will not just support our economic recovery; it will provide the foundation for decades of American economic leadership. It will save lives and improve the American quality of life. It will help manufacturers in America compete in the world and create jobs here at home. And it will do all that without rolling back all the tax reforms that have allowed manufacturers to hire more workers, raise wages and benefits and invest in our communities. This is truly how we build to win.

“Manufacturers of all sizes, across this entire country, now call on the Senate and then the House to swiftly pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill—to show the world we plan to lead in the 21st century and into the 22nd and to show the American people that our government can still do great things.”


The National Association of Manufacturers is the largest manufacturing association in the United States, representing small and large manufacturers in every industrial sector and in all 50 states. Manufacturing employs more than 12.3 million men and women, contributes $2.35 trillion to the U.S. economy annually and has the largest economic multiplier of any major sector and accounts for 63% of private-sector research and development. The NAM is the powerful voice of the manufacturing community and the leading advocate for a policy agenda that helps manufacturers compete in the global economy and create jobs across the United States. For more information about the NAM or to follow us on Twitter and Facebook, please visit

Press Releases

Manufacturers Encourage Congress to Find Pathway for Bipartisan Infrastructure Legislation

Timmons: Bold, historic infrastructure investment will improve all of our lives

Washington, D.C. – National Association of Manufacturers President and CEO Jay Timmons released the following statement on the failure of the cloture vote on the bipartisan Senate infrastructure legislation.

“Bold, historic infrastructure investment will improve all of our lives, but it is especially critical to the future of manufacturing in America and to the livelihoods of America’s manufacturing workers. Making these investments in a bipartisan way will also help restore faith in our institutions. Of course, such historic achievements are never easy, so lawmakers should keep talking and continue their work. The more than 12 million men and women of the manufacturing workforce have confidence that our elected officials can show Americans and the world that they can lead and that the United States is going to keep moving forward so we can build to win.”


The National Association of Manufacturers is the largest manufacturing association in the United States, representing small and large manufacturers in every industrial sector and in all 50 states. Manufacturing employs more than 12.3 million men and women, contributes $2.35 trillion to the U.S. economy annually and has the largest economic multiplier of any major sector and accounts for 63% of private-sector research and development. The NAM is the powerful voice of the manufacturing community and the leading advocate for a policy agenda that helps manufacturers compete in the global economy and create jobs across the United States. For more information about the NAM or to follow us on Twitter and Facebook, please visit

Press Releases

Manufacturers on Biden EO: Some Actions Are Solutions in Search of a Problem That Doesn’t Exist

Timmons: Manufacturers are keeping our promises to invest, hire and grow wages; Let’s not stall the progress

Washington, D.C. – National Association of Manufacturers President and CEO Jay Timmons released the following statement after President Joe Biden signed an executive order today on promoting competition in the American economy.

“Manufacturers are helping lead the recovery, building the next, post-pandemic world. And as the industry rebounds, manufacturing workers are seeing their lives improve. According to the Q2 Manufacturers’ Outlook Survey, manufacturers expect record levels of full-time employment growth. And following the enactment of tax reform, manufacturers kept their promises to raise wages and benefits: wages rose 3% in 2018, 2.8% in 2019 and 3% in 2020—the fastest rates of annual growth since 2003. What’s more, manufacturers have 814,000 jobs to fill right now—opportunities for more Americans to have well-paying, meaningful careers.

“Our sector is strong and growing, and our people are benefiting. Unfortunately, there are those who want to erode our competitive advantage with archaic tax policies. And some of the actions announced today are solutions in search of a problem; they threaten to undo our progress by undermining free markets and are premised on the false notion that our workers are not positioned for success. We have challenges, to be sure, which is why we are advocating infrastructure investment, competitive tax rates, immigration reform, ensuring availability of lifesaving cures, expanded export opportunities and more. And it’s why we launched our Creators Wanted campaign—to inspire more Americans to pursue modern manufacturing careers in the industry that literally builds our nation’s future.

“As always, manufacturers are focused on policies that genuinely uphold the values that make our country exceptional and our industry strong: free enterprise, competitiveness, individual liberty and equal opportunity.”


The National Association of Manufacturers is the largest manufacturing association in the United States, representing small and large manufacturers in every industrial sector and in all 50 states. Manufacturing employs more than 12.3 million men and women, contributes $2.35 trillion to the U.S. economy annually and has the largest economic multiplier of any major sector and accounts for 63% of private-sector research and development. The NAM is the powerful voice of the manufacturing community and the leading advocate for a policy agenda that helps manufacturers compete in the global economy and create jobs across the United States. For more information about the NAM or to follow us on Twitter and Facebook, please visit

Press Releases

Leading Business and Labor Groups Launch Coalition Supporting Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment

Washington, D.C. – Today, the National Association of Manufacturers joins the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Business Roundtable, AFL-CIO, the National Retail Federation, the Bipartisan Policy Center, North America’s Building Trades Unions, as well as over 20 leading business and labor organizations to launch the Coalition for Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment. The Coalition issued the following statement today commending the bipartisan group of 22 senators and the Biden administration on reaching agreement on a historic $1.2 trillion infrastructure framework and urges Congress to turn the framework into legislation that will be signed into law.

“Infrastructure modernization is a critical component of long-term economic growth and improved quality of life for every American. Our organizations commend the bipartisan group of 22 senators and the Biden administration on finding common ground and reaching agreement on a historic $1.2 trillion infrastructure framework. Momentum is building, as seen by the endorsement of the framework from the Problem Solvers Caucus.

“Now is the time to turn these promises into projects. We urge Congress to turn this framework into legislation that will be signed into law, and our organizations are committed to helping see this cross the finish line. Enacting significant infrastructure legislation, including investments in our roads, bridges, ports, airports, transit, rail, water and energy infrastructure, access to broadband, and more, is critical to our nation and will create middle-class family sustaining jobs.

“Don’t let partisan differences get in the way of action – pass significant, meaningful infrastructure legislation now.”

Coalition Partners

National Association of Manufacturers
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Business Roundtable
Airports Council International – North America
American Association of Port Authorities
American Consulting Engineers Council
American Public Transportation Association
American Road & Transportation Builders Association
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Trucking Associations
Association of American Railroads
Association of Equipment Manufacturers
Bipartisan Policy Center
International Union of Operating Engineers
Laborers’ International Union of North America
National Asphalt Pavement Association
National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors
National Retail Federation
National Stone, Sand, and Gravel Association
No Labels
North America’s Building Trades Unions
Portland Cement Association
Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO


The National Association of Manufacturers is the largest manufacturing association in the United States, representing small and large manufacturers in every industrial sector and in all 50 states. Manufacturing employs more than 12.3 million men and women, contributes $2.32 trillion to the U.S. economy annually and has the largest economic multiplier of any major sector and accounts for 63% of private-sector research and development. The NAM is the powerful voice of the manufacturing community and the leading advocate for a policy agenda that helps manufacturers compete in the global economy and create jobs across the United States. For more information about the NAM or to follow us on Twitter and Facebook, please visit

Press Releases

MI and NAM Honor Manufacturing Leader

Emily Stover DeRocco Put Public Focus on Manufacturing’s Critical Workforce Issues

Washington, D.C. – The Manufacturing Institute and the National Association of Manufacturers released a statement on the passing of Emily Stover DeRocco, former President of The Manufacturing Institute:

“Our industry has lost a true leader on workforce development,” said Manufacturing Institute Executive Director Carolyn Lee. “Under her leadership, the Institute developed a national portal of industry-recognized Manufacturing Skills Certifications that have influenced today’s secondary and post-secondary education efforts in 36 states. Emily’s efforts helped put a spotlight on the changing workforce needs in manufacturing and the policies needed to meet these greatest challenges. As we remember and honor her many contributions, our thoughts and prayers are with the DeRocco family.”

“Emily was a true champion to our nation’s workforce and was passionate about manufacturing,” said NAM President and CEO and Chair of the MI Board of Directors Jay Timmons. “She served former President George W. Bush and U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao as well as many other political leaders on workforce development initiatives where her voice and leadership helped usher in a renewed focus in this country on matching education programs with the skills needed to build the modern manufacturing workforce. Although Emily will be sorely missed, there is much to celebrate in the life she lived and the example she set. She is an inspiration to us and to the Manufacturing Institute and manufacturing community which she was proud to serve.”


The National Association of Manufacturers is the largest manufacturing association in the United States, representing small and large manufacturers in every industrial sector and in all 50 states. Manufacturing employs more than 12.3 million men and women, contributes $2.35 trillion to the U.S. economy annually and has the largest economic multiplier of any major sector and accounts for 63% of private-sector research and development. The NAM is the powerful voice of the manufacturing community and the leading advocate for a policy agenda that helps manufacturers compete in the global economy and create jobs across the United States. For more information about the NAM or to follow us on Twitter and Facebook, please visit

Press Releases

Supreme Court Delivers Decisive Ruling Upholding Manufacturers’ First Amendment Rights

Washington, D.C. – Today, National Association of Manufacturers Senior Vice President and General Counsel Linda Kelly released the following statement on the Supreme Court’s 6–3 decision in Americans for Prosperity Foundation v. Bonta, Attorney General of California in which the NAM filed an amicus brief:

“The Supreme Court has delivered a decisive ruling upholding manufacturers’ First Amendment rights—and the rights of all who support nonprofit organizations. The Manufacturers’ Center for Legal Action was proud to support the effort to challenge a California law that forced nonprofits and charities to disclose donor information and violate donor privacy. While such intrusion and overreach are obviously a concern for manufacturing associations, the law threatened to chill protected First Amendment activity for all types of organizations that are central to our society.

“The seriousness of the constitutional violation was demonstrated by the fact that groups across the ideological spectrum—and of no ideology—voiced their opposition to the overreaching California law. America is at its best when its citizens can participate fully in associations and support charitable endeavors to advance causes in which they believe without sacrificing their privacy or personal information.

“Freedom of speech and association are fundamental to the strength of our country and to the functioning of our government. Nobody should have to fear they will be targeted for expressing an opinion or for joining with others to speak with a collective voice. The MCLA will always step up to defend manufacturers’ constitutional rights, especially the First Amendment rights that are the foundation of associations, whenever they are threatened.”


The National Association of Manufacturers is the largest manufacturing association in the United States, representing small and large manufacturers in every industrial sector and in all 50 states. Manufacturing employs more than 12.3 million men and women, contributes $2.35 trillion to the U.S. economy annually and has the largest economic multiplier of any major sector and accounts for 63% of private-sector research and development. The NAM is the powerful voice of the manufacturing community and the leading advocate for a policy agenda that helps manufacturers compete in the global economy and create jobs across the United States. For more information about the NAM or to follow us on Twitter and Facebook, please visit

Press Releases

Manufacturing Leaders Implore Congress to Move Vital Infrastructure Legislation

Washington, D.C. – Today, the leadership of the National Association of Manufacturers released the following statements on the need for action surrounding proposed bipartisan infrastructure legislation:

“Manufacturers have called for this type of bold bipartisan infrastructure investment for many years, across multiple congresses and administrations, so Congress should waste no time in sending the plan to President Biden’s desk,” urged NAM President and CEO Jay Timmons. “We have watched America’s infrastructure deteriorate for too long as other nations invested in their own, aiming to outcompete the United States. Too often, it has cost us livelihoods and lives. This plan will bolster America’s competitiveness, strengthen the manufacturing industry and give American workers the foundation to build a new, post-pandemic world. This framework, which leaders in both parties and President Biden have embraced, confirms what manufacturers have said—that corporate tax increases are not the way to fund infrastructure. And with this legislation and its investments not just in roads and bridges but also waterways, the electric grid, advanced telecommunications and so much more, we can make history—and we can build that future and build to win.”

Trane Technologies Chairman and CEO and NAM Board Chair Mike Lamach added, “All Americans will reap the benefits of this bold, bipartisan plan. For manufacturers, it means we’ll be able to better deliver for our customers. We’ll be better prepared to compete in the world. Our communities will be safer, our employees will be healthier, and our companies will be stronger. We stand behind this plan and want to see it move forward quickly in support of positive change for generations to come.”

“There’s no doubt that such strong investment in our nation’s infrastructure will move us forward in a profound way. As with any compromise agreement, there are concerns on both sides,” said Dow Chairman and CEO and NAM Board Vice Chair Jim Fitterling. “Manufacturers and those who use everyday products are certainly concerned about the funding proposals related to new Superfund taxes, and we will work with lawmakers to address those—because we believe the infrastructure package should avoid targeting specific sectors, particularly when new taxes might inadvertently harm consumers and a critical sector of the manufacturing economy.”

BTE Technologies President and NAM Small and Medium Manufacturers Group Chair Chuck Wetherington noted, “America’s small and medium-sized manufacturers know far too well the costs of navigating around clogged roadways and crumbling bridges. We know the costs of shipping delays and the stress and strain on our employees as they commute. We know what it’s like to worry about power failures and what it takes to install and operate the latest digital technologies on our shop floors. So, for small manufacturers, this bill offers a boost of confidence and optimism. It will allow us to focus more of our energy on what we do best: creating jobs and creating opportunity.”

“Whether you’re running a family business or focused on the business of your family, you don’t need anyone to tell you that America’s infrastructure needs help. After all, it’s estimated that outdated infrastructure costs families $3,300 in disposable income every year. Small manufacturers are dedicated to the success of our hometowns—and we can’t wait to see what we’ll be able to accomplish once this plan becomes law. Let’s make this plan a reality,” emphasized Ketchie President and Owner and NAM SMM Vice Chair Courtney Silver.


The National Association of Manufacturers is the largest manufacturing association in the United States, representing small and large manufacturers in every industrial sector and in all 50 states. Manufacturing employs more than 12.3 million men and women, contributes $2.35 trillion to the U.S. economy annually and has the largest economic multiplier of any major sector and accounts for 63% of private-sector research and development. The NAM is the powerful voice of the manufacturing community and the leading advocate for a policy agenda that helps manufacturers compete in the global economy and create jobs across the United States. For more information about the NAM or to follow us on Twitter and Facebook, please visit

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