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Retirement Blues Could Impact ‘Great Resignation’ Cohort

Preparation can be the key for a successful transition into retirement, according to The Wall Street Journal (subscription).

By the numbers: Studies indicate that about 15% of retirees have trouble adjusting to retirement. Retirees often cite the loss of structure or identity and a lack of stimulation as challenges.

  • Rand’s 2019 American Working Conditions Survey found that 46% of respondents 50 and older who were not working and not searching for work said that they would work in the future if the right job came along.
  • Forty percent of current workers who are 65 and older had previously retired at some point. These numbers indicate some retirees’ desire to “unretire.”

The not-so-great resignation? “In November, economists at Goldman Sachs estimated that two-thirds of the people who left the labor force during the pandemic were over 55. Many of these workers, not having planned to retire when they did, may be especially vulnerable to regrets.”

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