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President Biden Touts Infrastructure Support

As you likely saw in other reports, President Biden traveled to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, last Friday to highlight the importance of infrastructure investment.

American supply chains: President Biden noted the importance of American manufacturing and the need to invest in America’s supply chain—a significant NAM (and manufacturing) priority.

  • “To build a strong economy, we need a future that’s made in America,” said President Biden. “That means using projects, parts and materials right here in the United States of America. It means bringing manufacturing back, jobs back, building the supply chain here at home and not outsourcing abroad so we have better jobs and lower prices here. It means betting on America’s workers.”

Manufacturers invest: The president talked about the significant technological investment manufacturers have made and are continuing to make in the U.S.

  • He highlighted the announced purchase by Union Pacific Corporation of four battery-electric locomotives made by Pittsburgh-based Wabtec Corporation.
  • He discussed Intel’s announced investment of $20 billion in chip-making facilities, as well as General Motors’ plans to invest $7 billion in electric-vehicle manufacturing.

American jobs: The president noted that, during his first year in office, the United States recorded the greatest year of job growth in American history, including for manufacturers. 

  • “The fastest economic growth in nearly four decades, along with the greatest year of job growth in American history—6.4 million jobs created in one year,” said President Biden. “And instead of losing manufacturing jobs, America has added an official 367,000 manufacturing jobs…good-paying jobs. The highest increase in manufacturing jobs in 30 years.”

What wasn’t said: The speech omitted the detrimental impact tax increases on corporations and pass-through entities—increases the NAM led the charge to defeat—could have had on this manufacturing jobs resurgence.

American infrastructure: The president touted the bipartisan bill that will provide $1 trillion in investments for roads, bridges, broadband and other critical infrastructure.

  • “Now, just 74 days after signing that law, we’re already making tangible differences for highways, ports, airports, rail, clean air and clean water,” said President Biden. “That includes $1.6 billion over the next five years for Pennsylvania to repair bridges.”

Our work: The NAM’s Building to Win plan laid the groundwork for bipartisan infrastructure investment, and the NAM worked with the Biden administration and Congress to help craft, deliver and pass the final bill without tax hikes on businesses.

The NAM says: “Manufacturers are making critical investments in the U.S., as President Biden noted last week,” said Manufacturing Institute President Carolyn Lee. “And they’re hiring—for well-paying, family-supporting positions that research has shown are what this generation of workers wants and expects. The president’s remarks on Friday highlight the need for the NAM and the MI’s workforce-development campaign, Creators Wanted, to help us attract the next generation of talent. Let’s keep connecting the best and brightest with top manufacturing jobs.”   

What’s next? The administration is laying out a “roadmap” to help spend $1 trillion, reports the Associated Press.

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