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President Biden Releases COVID-19 Winter Plan

By NAM News Room

President Biden’s winter strategy against COVID-19 includes stricter travel restrictions, complimentary at-home tests and an emphasis on booster shots, according to USA Today.
The plan:  Travelers entering the country by air must test negative for COVID-19 within a day of departure, and face coverings will be required on airplanes, trains and public transportation at least through March 18. Meanwhile, private insurance companies will be required to cover 100% of at-home tests for COVID-19. The Biden administration will also launch a public education campaign designed to encourage 100 million adults across the United States to get vaccine boosters, with a special emphasis on seniors. No new vaccination requirements will be added.
The second rollout: President Biden will also be ramping up vaccination opportunities, with plans to set up one-stop shops for families to get both initial and booster vaccinations. Pharmacies will amplify appointment availability, while Medicare contacts seniors to help bring them up to speed on shots. AARP will offer free rides to booster clinics and hold town halls to educate the public around vaccinations.
Winter challenges: The developing omicron variant poses an administrative hurdle as people gather and travel for the holidays. The first case of omicron was announced in the U.S. on Wednesday.
By the numbers: Approximately 70% of Americans have received at least one shot, and 21% have received boosters. The majority of workers at large businesses report that vaccinations are mandatory.

Get vaxxed: Check out the NAM and The Manufacturing Institute’s This Is Our Shot initiative to learn more about how vaccines can help protect you and the people you care about

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