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NAM to Congress: Reverse Costly Tax Policy

With many manufacturers relying on financing to expand their businesses and hire workers, Congress should reverse a stricter limitation on interest deductibility that went into effect in 2022, the NAM told policymakers last week.

What’s going on: The stricter limitation is effectively a tax on investment, NAM Senior Director of Tax Policy David Eiselsberg said at a briefing last Thursday hosted by Sens. Shelley Moore Capito (R—W.VA) and Kyrsten Sinema (I—AZ) on the American Investment and Manufacturing Act.

  • “The stricter limitation makes it more expensive for capital-intensive companies—which many manufacturers are—to finance critical purchases, grow their businesses and hire new workers,” Eiselsberg said. “Failing to reverse this harmful change could cost the U.S. economy 467,000 jobs and reduce U.S. GDP by $43.8 billion,” he added, citing a 2022 EY study prepared for the NAM.

The background: Before last year, manufacturers were allowed to deduct 30% of their earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (known as EBITDA). The 2022 tax change limits that deduction to earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT).

  • The AIM Act, which was introduced in April by Capito and Sinema, would permanently reinstate the EBITDA standard.

Financing growthand competitiveness: Reversing the stricter limitation would safeguard manufacturers’ ability to finance growth, which is particularly important “ at a time when the cost of capital itself has increased due to rising interest rates,” Eiselsberg said.

  • The current policy puts the U.S. at a global disadvantage, since, he continued, “of the more than 30 [Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development] OECD countries with an earnings-based interest limitation, the U.S. is the only one that employs an EBIT standard.”

NAM in the news: POLITICO highlighted the AIM briefing.

Learn more and take action: Visit the NAM’s Full
Expensing Action Center
, which features a tool that lets manufacturers to send customized messages directly to Congress.

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