The National Association of Manufacturers Political Action Committee (NAM-PAC) is the best resource to ensure the manufacturing industry in the United States continues to grow and become more competitive. The NAM-PAC is a way for you to participate in the political process and make a difference.
Why Does the NAM Have a PAC?
When you contribute to the NAM-PAC, you are supporting candidates who are working to help us continue to lead the way to a more positive industry for manufacturers.
What is the PAC’s Purpose?
We promote candidates who support manufacturing. We strive for improvement by encouraging manufacturers to take a more active part in government affairs. We assist manufacturers in organizing themselves for more effective political action.
What Does the PAC Do?
The NAM-PAC is bipartisan and supports candidates for public office who understand and support the issues most critical to the continued growth and success of our company and industry. The NAM-PAC helps us to educate policy leaders on issues that are important to our industry.
Who Can Donate?
Member companies of the NAM can sign a prior authorization form, allowing the signer to be eligible to contribute to the NAM-PAC.
Please note NAM PAC may only accept contributions from U.S. citizens or permanent green card holders living in the United States and spouses of these individuals.
Who Can Submit a Prior Authorization Form?
The primary contact from a NAM member company should complete the NAM PAC Prior Authorization Form. The primary contact is defined as the representative of the corporation with whom the NAM normally conducts the association’s activities.
How Does the PAC Operate?
The NAM-PAC qualifies as a multicandidate committee and may contribute up to $5,000 per candidate, per election. Primary and general elections are separate for these limited purposes. The NAM-PAC is entirely non-partisan and voluntary.