Innovation and Technology

Business Operations

How Manufacturers and Suppliers Can Find Each Other

With supply chains in flux across the country and around the world, manufacturers frequently face obstructions that can hold up their operations and delay critical deliveries.

That’s where CONNEX Marketplace can help.

What it is: Built in collaboration with the NAM, manufacturers and other manufacturing associations, CONNEX Marketplace is a one-stop shop that brings together U.S. manufacturers and suppliers in one clear, verified and searchable database—offering a full picture of the supply chain and helping manufacturers and suppliers find the partners they need.

Why it matters: Especially at a time when supply chains are increasingly complex and constantly under strain, it’s important for manufacturers to understand the full journey of their products.

  • By providing manufacturers with detailed data visualization tools as well as blacklist verification, CONNEX helps manufacturers reduce risks in their supply chains and avoid problematic routes and purchases.

How it works: Comprehensive local and national search tools offer manufacturers the opportunity to post their needs and to connect easily and quickly with suppliers using criteria including capabilities, equipment, processes and materials.

  • By matching needs with available supplies, the site also helps manufacturers find alternate suppliers when necessary and improve the diversity and resiliency of their supply chains to guard against shocks and snags.

Governors support it: State leaders across the country are speaking up about the power of CONNEX, laying out the value of the program and urging manufacturers to get involved.

  • “I think what you’re hearing here with CONNEX … you’re hearing the doors opening on great opportunities for Wyoming,” said Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon. “It’s gonna expand our footprint regionally, nationally and globally.”
  • CONNEX “better connects the Utah manufacturing industry, shortens and reduces supply chain costs and provides new business opportunities to Utah manufacturers and suppliers,” said Utah Gov. Spencer Cox.
  • “CONNEX is hugely important,” said Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt. “We’re trying to get everyone to look on this CONNEX website.… If you’re not on that and you’re a manufacturer in Oklahoma, we encourage you to engage with that.”

What we’re saying: “This one-of-a-kind tool empowers manufacturers of all sizes, both buyers and sellers, to be found, increase supply chain optimization and mitigate risk,” said NAM President and CEO Jay Timmons. “It’s a game-changer for U.S. manufacturers.”

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