Workforce and Education

MI Insider

Future Skills Needs Study: Quick Facts

The Center for Manufacturing Research at the MI recently released a study in partnership with Rockwell Automation and PTC forecasting the skills needs of the manufacturing sector over the next 5 to 10 years.

Here’s what the study found:

  • There are 3 major skills needs for the future: data analytics, an agile mindset paired with problem-solving and critical thinking, and interpersonal skills.
  • Manufacturers are interested in preparing for upcoming skills needs by connecting with the workforce of the future. (See how the MI is building this workforce with our groundbreaking initiative, Creators Wanted.)
  • Manufacturers are intentionally recruiting and promoting segments of the population that have historically been excluded from manufacturing roles or leadership. (Learn how the MI is leading conversations about D&I here.)
  • Focusing on corporate culture is a key component of building and maintaining a strong workforce.
  • Nearly every company surveyed reported the importance of continuous training for their current worker, i.e. “upskilling”.

Read the full report here

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