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Europe’s Industry, Government Will Cooperate on Wind

European government officials and executives from some of the largest wind power companies have pledged to bolster offshore wind production in a move to decrease reliance on fossil fuels and increase energy security, according to Bloomberg Government (subscription).

Leading the way: Energy companies including Shell, Equinor and GE have said they will work with European countries including the U.K., Germany and Spain to streamline the creation of offshore wind projects throughout Europe.

More power: “The European Union has said it will need 300 gigawatts of wind farms at sea by 2050, up from about 16 gigawatts now. However, the giant projects can take a decade to plan and build, limiting their ability to cut emissions and reliance on Russia in the near future.”

The last word: The NAM recently urged Congress to rescind the current offshore wind-leasing moratorium in Gulf Coast states.

  • “We must continue to prioritize investment in and deployment of new energy technologies like offshore wind energy. In an all-of-the-above approach to energy security, we must accelerate and advance diverse energy options; this includes removing barriers to access for energy producers,” NAM Director of Energy and Resources Policy Chris Morris told Input.
  • “While manufacturers are encouraged to see clean energy partnerships being formed by our international allies, we should take note and do more domestically to streamline the process of bringing new clean energy technologies online.”
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