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“35×30” Aims to Close Gender Gap in Manufacturing

The gender gap in manufacturing is on course to be a thing of the past.

What’s going on: The Manufacturing Institute, the NAM’s workforce development and education partner, has announced its “35×30” campaign, which aims to increase women’s representation in manufacturing to 35% by 2030 through industry-perception change, mentorships and collaborations.

  • Women currently make up just 29% of the manufacturing labor force.
  • Studies have shown manufacturers can close the skills gap by 50% by bringing 10% more women into the industry.

Why it matters: “For nine months in a row now, manufacturers have had more than 800,000 open jobs, and we can’t make meaningful progress toward filling those jobs without closing the gender gap,” said MI President Carolyn Lee.

  • “The 35×30 campaign is an unprecedented plan to strengthen our workforce and build the talent pipeline. This initiative will help many women of all ages find their way into a successful, rewarding career in modern manufacturing, and I can think of no better day to make this announcement than on International Women’s Day.”

Funds for change: The Arconic Foundation, which partners with nonprofits to create skill-building experiences that have a focus on science, technology, engineering and math, has made a $250,000 sponsorship pledge to the project.

  • Programs to be funded as part of 35×30 include a national campaign to change the way people view manufacturing, talks to women students by influential emerging leaders, collaborations with manufacturers on strategies to attract women workers and more. 
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