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What’s the Next Phase of Digital Evolution?
In late 2021, the Manufacturing Leadership Council, the digital transformation arm of the NAM, launched the Manufacturing in 2030 Project , a comprehensive examination of the factors that will influence the industry leading up to the year 2030 and beyond. The latest milestone in this sweeping project is the release of The Next Phase of Digital Evolution.
- This new white paper examines global megatrends in demographics, the economy, sustainability demands and technology development—all of which will impact business decisions and are essential for manufacturing competitiveness.
Data’s role: Data is perhaps manufacturing’s most important asset, on everything from individual machine performance to the status of global supply chains.
- Developments in digital systems for factories, high-powered industrial networks and advanced communication technologies are advancing our ability to collect information.
- Combined with a rise in analytics capabilities, manufacturers are now able to apply that data in powerful ways to improve processes, speed innovation, find new business opportunities and ultimately create conditions for greater competitiveness.
Read the full story here.