Council of Manufacturing Associations
Connect with the resources and experts you need to succeed.
NAM Council of Manufacturing Associations
With a membership including 260 national manufacturing trade associations representing 130,000 companies worldwide, the CMA creates partnerships across the industry, amplifies manufacturers’ voices, and connects members to experts and trade association executives. CMA members gain insights, share perspectives, form coalitions, and ensure manufacturers have a strong voice in national policy.
CMA Member Benefits
Members of the Council of Manufacturing Associations receive a range of exclusive benefits that can’t be found anywhere else.
Access — CMA connects you with hundreds of CEOs, executives, decision makers and thought leaders who have knowledge, solutions and influence in manufacturing.
A Strategic Partner — CMA provides access to NAM staff for keynotes and speaking engagements, helps you build strategic alliances, and even offers its own office space just blocks away from Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., for meetings with legislative influencers.
Advocacy – CMA is your advocate on a range of issues, creating opportunities to get involved with policy and legislation affecting the manufacturing industry.
Legal Support – Through the NAM’s Manufacturers’ Center for Legal Action – the leading voice for manufacturing in the courts – the CMA provides legal advice, industry litigation, and coalition-building services to fight against unreasonable regulatory burdens and to support you in human resource management.
Professional Development – Engage with other association CEOs while accessing valuable professional development opportunities, and share knowledge and expertise through CMA leadership conferences.
Newsletters and Alerts – Be among the first to know when news impacting the manufacturing sector breaks. Timely publications, reports, alerts and briefs from the NAM, like the Monday Economic Report, Input and Global Manufacturing Economic Update, provide the vital information you need to lead your association today and into the future.
Events – Get access to experts and programming that can help ensure your association’s future and positively impact your bottom line.
Upcoming Events
2024 Summer Leadership Conference (Aug. 5-7, 2024) – Omni Homestead, Hot Springs, VA
2025 Winter Leadership Conference (Jan. 8-10, 2025) – Four Seasons Hotel, Baltimore, MD